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A relationship field represents a relationship between two lists.

Read our relationships guide for details on Keystone’s relationship model and how to configure them in your project.

  • ref (required): A string of the form <listKey> or <listKey>.<fieldKey>.
  • many (default: false): Configures the cardinality of the relationship.
  • db.foreignKey: When true or an object, ensures the foreign Key for two-sided relationships is stored in the table for this list (only available on single relationships, and not on both sides of a 1:1 relationship)
    • map: Changes the column name in the database
  • ui (default: { hideCreate: false, displayMode: 'select' }): Configures the display mode of the field in the Admin UI.
    • hideCreate (default: false). If true, the "Create related item" button is not shown in the item view.
    • displayMode (default: 'select'): Controls the mode used to display the field in the item view. The mode 'select' displays related items in a select component, while 'cards' displays the related items in a card layout. Each display mode supports further configuration.
  • ui.displayMode === 'select' options:
    • labelField: The field path from the related list to use for item labels in the select. Defaults to the labelField configured on the related list.
  • searchFields: The fields used by the UI to search for this item, in context of this relationship field. Defaults to searchFields configured on the related list.
  • ui.displayMode === 'cards' options:
    • cardFields: A list of field paths from the related list to render in the card component. Defaults to 'id' and the labelField configured on the related list.
    • linkToItem (default false): If true, the default card component will render as a link to navigate to the related item.
    • removeMode (default: 'disconnect'): Controls whether the Remove button is present in the card. If 'disconnect', the button will be present. If 'none', the button will not be present.
    • inlineCreate (default: null): If not null, an object of the form { fields: [...] }, where fields is a list of field paths from the related list should be provided. An inline Create button will be included in the cards allowing a new related item to be created based on the configured field paths.
    • inlineEdit (default: null): If not null, an object of the form { fields: [...] }, where fields is a list of field paths from the related list should be provided. An Edit button will be included in each card, allowing the configured fields to be edited for each related item.
    • inlineConnect (default: false): If true, an inline Link existing item button will be present, allowing existing items of the related list to be connected in this field. Alternatively this can be an object with the properties:
      • labelField: The field path from the related list to use for item labels in select. Defaults to the labelField configured on the related list.
      • searchFields: The fields used by the UI to search for this item, in context of this relationship field. Defaults to searchFields configured on the related list.
  • ui.displayMode === 'count' only supports many relationships
import { config, list } from '@keystone-6/core';
import { relationship } from '@keystone-6/core/fields';
export default config({
lists: {
SomeListName: list({
fields: {
someFieldName: relationship({
ref: '...',
many: false,
db: {
foreignKey: {
map: 'foreign_id',
ui: {
hideCreate: false,
displayMode: 'select',
labelField: 'name',
displayMode: 'cards',
cardFields: [...],
linkToItem: true,
removeMode: 'disconnect',
inlineCreate: { fields: [...] },
inlineEdit: { fields: [...] },
inlineConnect: true,
// Display mode: 'count'
// requires many: true above
displayMode: 'count',
/* ... */
/* ... */
/* ... */

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